Historic Palmyra Museums

5 Museums - 1 Destination

“where history comes alive”

Historic Palmyra

5 Museums ~ 1 Destination.

Winter Hours: Tuesdays- Thursdays 11:00am - 4:00pm. Tours begin at 132 Market St.

To schedule special dates, after hours and times, please feel free to call 315-597-6981. We're here to help you arrange what you need!

Alling Coverlet Museum and Gift Shop

122 William St. Palmyra

Palmyra Historical Museum

132 Market St. Palmyra

Erie Canal Depot

136 Market St. Palmyra

Palmyra Print Shop

138 Market St. Palmyra

Phelps General Store

140 Market St. Palmyra


HISTORIC PALMYRA™ is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to preserving the history and architectural heritage of Palmyra, New York.  Once known as the "Queen of Erie Canal towns," Palmyra boasts an astonishing array of architecture, ranging from the early 1800's to Victorian era grandeur. 

Historic Palmyra's mission is to save the history of Palmyra and vicinity through the preservation of architecture, artifacts, and archives. Historic Palmyra™ teaches and educates through the five museums and their collections. This mission is served primarily through the operation of five unique museums, welcoming thousands of visitors each year...